Water Leak Under The Camper

Question: I have a 1992 Mountain aire 5th wheel Serial # 91209. I have noticed water dripping in several places under the unit. I feel like it is the water line. I am looking for schematics and some advice about how to get to the water line since this unit has a basement. Thank you for any help you can share.

Robbie: I seriously doubt you will find schematics for the water system on most any RV. Factories don't supply them. The only way to get this info is to call the manufacturer and hope the person in customer service can answer your question.

You're going to need to trace the water leak. Because your RV is a 1992 you're not going to get any help even if you do get through to the manufacturer.


Comments for Water Leak Under The Camper

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Aug 10, 2013
1992 Mountain aire 5th wheel water leaks
by: RSR

I just bought the same problem. Pull open sheet metal access panel under belly. It's most likely from your tanks or dump valves & possibly from bad hose connection from grey water to dump valve. That's rubber & easily replaceable. Leak is most likely right in the center of your Rv just to the rear of the belly hold pass thru doors. The tanks in these years are notably a weak link and many get stress cracks & consequently leak. Expensive factory Service job or time consuming, messy and just plain miserable to tackle on your own but, possible. check your Newmar forums for further advise. If you replace one tank most seem to advise doing all of them at one time to save money & a repeat of the aggravation. The age seems to get to these tanks built back then. Make sure to replace all your ruined insulation in the effected wet hold area as it will obviously no longer retain it's insulating value. Wish you well with it. Detailed Information on these is definitely hard to find.

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