Slide Out On Holiday Rambler Will Not Close Completely

by Bill
(New York)

Question: 37' double slide 2002 Holiday Rambler Vacationer. 20K miles very well maintained. First trip this year Memorial Wknd. Went to open Dining room slide and it hesitated for a few seconds then opened up fine. Closing it was the problem. It would not close on one side about 3". Finally after 4 attempts it did. Tried it again when we got home and same problem. The only way I could get it to close, was to have my wife at the push buttom control, And I stood on top (inside of coach) on the sliding floor and bounced up and down and it closed. I am thinking, that since it sat all winter, the gasket was stuck - and when we opened it something bent. By having me bounce on the inside slider it did something to close it. Problem is, don't know what the "is" is.

I own my own body shop/repair shop, I was thinking of putting a shim on one side while closing it to bend it back - other than that I am out of options. What do you think?? Suggestions to remedy would be appreciated.

Robbie: I suggest you contact a service center that works on Holiday Rambler who knows the system better. There are all kinds of slide out controls and mechanisms, some are Hydraulic and others 12 Volt motor driven and all are different with each brand and year of RV. I would have to see what system you have to give any advice on how to repair or adjust it.

Good Luck,
Warford's RV Service

Comments for Slide Out On Holiday Rambler Will Not Close Completely

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Jun 30, 2015
Broken bolt
by: Anonymous

I had the same problem there is a bolt out on the gear mechanism below in the basement. I replaced mine with lockouts on it

Jun 04, 2016
Slider won't close completely
by: Anonymous

Had that problem and it was caused by twisted sleeve that connects the slider shaft to the gears. My motor is in the center under the slider and long shafts extend out in both directions to gear mechanism on each side. The sleeve is a metal part that connects the long shaft to the gears.

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Robbie Warford, San Diego RV Repair

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