by Bill
(New York)
Question: 37' double slide 2002 Holiday Rambler Vacationer. 20K miles very well maintained. First trip this year Memorial Wknd. Went to open Dining room slide and it hesitated for a few seconds then opened up fine. Closing it was the problem. It would not close on one side about 3". Finally after 4 attempts it did. Tried it again when we got home and same problem. The only way I could get it to close, was to have my wife at the push buttom control, And I stood on top (inside of coach) on the sliding floor and bounced up and down and it closed. I am thinking, that since it sat all winter, the gasket was stuck - and when we opened it something bent. By having me bounce on the inside slider it did something to close it. Problem is, don't know what the "is" is.
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