Slide Motor Will Run But Will Not Move Slide??



I have a 2007 Jayco Greyhawk 31ss with a living room slide. The motor (electric under the coach) runs but nothing happens. It worked fine the last time I put the slide out--no noise, nothing, it worked great; 3 days later I try to bring it in and nothing, just the sound of the motor turning. I took it to the dealer and they told me that the motor has to be replaced as the gear is broken. I struggle with this answer as I am always careful putting the slide in and out and I silicone spray the gaskets every spring. Any ideas??

Robbie: Connected to the motor is a bar and its connected with a pin. See if the pin is gone or broken....

Some Motors have an arm at the end of the motor to put the motor in neutral. If yours has this, move the level and see if the slide engages.

Hard to give you any more info without details of the system you have.

Call if need to 619-443-0004

Good Luck,

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