RV 15K throws breaker sporadically.

Question: 2009 SunnyBrook 5th wheel with two 15K Dometic AC w/heat strip. The rear AC started tripping the 20 amp breaker last May. Parked in RV park, turned both AC's on at 3PM. About 6-7 pm, the rear AC tripped breaker. Unable to reset. Next morning reset breaker and AC ran for 5 days straight in 95-100 F temps. Got home and replaced Squared D breaker with new one. Test ran AC for several hours without tripping breaker. Didn't run ac until two days ago (8-15-11). Ac ran for 1-2 hours and tripped breaker. Immediately reset breaker and AC ran in 100 F plus temps all day and night without tripping breaker. I ran amp check on both AC's Each one pulls 9.5 to 10.5 amps fully loaded, fan on high. Manufacturer specs say AC can run up to 12.6 amp on Comp and 2 amp on fan motor. These AC are practically brand new and have been run for only approximately 6 weeks. The front AC has never tripped the breaker. Any idea why the rear AC trips occasionally?

Thank you, Wesley in South Texas (yes, it's hotter than you know what down here.

Robbie: If you were unable to reset a breaker then you have a problem right there. The breaker is weak and is not resetting. Also check the plug-in at the park post and see if your prongs are showing signs of getting hot, this could also cause a problem.

You have checked a lot and I'm happy to see you have the knowledge to do so, but I don't think the trouble is going to be in your ACs. I'd be looking for a loose connection where you're plugged in or your transfer switch or breaker box. Also be sure all your grounds are good and tight.

Good Luck...

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