My RV Battery Will Not Hold A Charge

by Phil
(Houston, TX)

Question: I recently bought a 2002 Jayco Kiwi 23 foot hybrid. So far love it, but noticed that the battery would only last about 6-8 hours, even when plugged in. My lights will not work when the battery goes dead. I have since bought a brand new dead cycle battery and it went dead this weekend as well.

I have 2 questions: 1.) can you switch the lights to run off the 110V or do they only work when the battery is hooked up? I have noticed that when the battery is dead, I cannot use any lights.

Everything else works, except the lights.

And 2.) I think my converter is dead. The light is on when trailer is plugged in, but the converter gets very hot. The fan does not run on it either. I am pretty sure I need to replace the converter, but how do you tell what kind to get? Does it have to be from the RV store, or will just about any converter work? Also, what wattage would I need?

Thanks for your help

Robbie: Thanks for the submission. The first thing you need to do is have the RV plugged into 110V and push the Battery condition button on your Control Panel. If if doesn't read full your converter is not putting out. Be sure the fuses on the Converter (if it has any) are not blown. To replace the Converter you should get one made for an RV and with the necessary amps. Look at the top of your old Converter and it will indicate the amps of that unit. You can get a higher amp Converter but don't go smaller. Replace with your 110V and Battery disconnected. Connect the battery when your done first before plugging into 110V Service.
See Note below.

Go to your Monitor Panel and check the Battery condition.
NOTE: Do not plug the RV to 110V if your battery is totally dead, start the RV and allow Alternator to charge for 10 minutes first. Then you can plug into 110V then turn off engine and let the converter take over. Be sure your using a good battery.
Read my section on Batteries for tips and advise.

Hope this helps you.

Thanks for the Question Good Luck,

Comments for My RV Battery Will Not Hold A Charge

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Aug 25, 2014
by: Kim R

What do you mean by Start your RV to allow alternator to charge if it is a travel trailer.

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