Installing Solar Panels On Roof Of My RV, Where To Run The Wire?

by Blaine
(Edmonton AB Canada)

Question: I want to put a solar panel on the roof of my 2010 Sunseeker. It was suggested I run the wires through the fridge roof vent which I have done on other motorhomes. This unit does not have a roof vent for the fridge. It is on the side of the motorhome. It does have an amplified roof antenna. Should I follow that wire into the motorhome? Or should I run the wire from the roof along the outside wall down to the top vent for the fridge on the side of the motorhome?

Robbie: If I were you I'd start getting creative. I suggest you run the wire through a stink vent and into a closet, or directly thru the roof into a storage cabinet. Either way you'll need to get the power from the solar panels to the charge regulator and then the battery.

I hope you've considered using a digital display charge/Monitor panel. It mounts inside on a wall for you to monitor the condition of your batteries at a glance.

Good Luck,

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Jul 24, 2017
Solar Panels. NEW
by: Wayne

I think solar Panels are a great idea and I have been considering installing one on my travel trailer so I have a source of power to charge my batteries. I don't have access % power where I store my RV and would like to be able to run the bathroom fan just to regulate moisture and heat in the trailer when we aren't using it. Would a 100 watt or 150 watt panel be enough to keep the batteries charged so I can run the fan 24/7 until we use it again??

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