Clogged Shower Drain

by Ray
(League City, TX USA)

Question:I have standing water, not draining. Used Draino, no help. Appreciate any suggestion. Ray

Robbie: First be sure the grey tank is draining, if the grey tank is not draining the first place to find water is in the tub the lowest point in your unit. If the tank is draining you'll need to access and remove the P-Trap under the tub and clean it,but first be sure and check for hair clog just under the drain screen in the tub, you will need a flashlight to do this.

Thanks for the Question Good Luck,

Comments for Clogged Shower Drain

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Dec 16, 2012
3 drain handles
by: Anonymous

We have a 2006 newmar cypress and had the same problem, On this model you have 3 drain valves, one for black water and two for gray tanks, the one for the kitchen sink gray water is with the black water drain valve by the fresh water hook up,the pull valve for the shower is under the camper to the right of the heated compartment where the other two pull valves are. Newmar hid this valve under the camper just above the black gas pipe. This pull valve is very hard to find if you don't know where it is. Keep running your fingers along the gas pipe and you will soon find it. Whoever designed this should have been shot! We pulled this drain and it was fixed. You have to lay down on your back and crawl underneath the rv to find this 3rd pull valve. Now I can't find the fresh water drain valve as the trailer is covered underneath and no drain valve, anyone know where this drain valve is located I sure would like to know. Why does everything have to be difficult.

Dec 16, 2012
3 drain handles
by: Anonymous

We have a 2006 newmar cypress and had the same problem, On this model you have 3 drain valves, one for black water and two for gray tanks, the one for the kitchen sink gray water is with the black water drain valve by the fresh water hook up,the pull valve for the shower is under the camper to the right of the heated compartment where the other two pull valves are. Newmar hid this valve under the camper just above the black gas pipe. This pull valve is very hard to find if you don't know where it is. Keep running your fingers along the gas pipe and you will soon find it. Whoever designed this should have been shot! We pulled this drain and it was fixed. You have to lay down on your back and crawl underneath the rv to find this 3rd pull valve. Now I can't find the fresh water drain valve as the trailer is covered underneath and no drain valve, anyone know where this drain valve is located I sure would like to know. Why does everything have to be difficult.

Jun 10, 2013
by: Tom

I was having water back up into our sink and shower. I had pulled the grey water valve handle and had drained some water out, but still had problems. I even contacted Newmar. They did not mention the third valve. That was it. Again, thank you for posting.

Mar 25, 2016
Grey water tanks
by: Anonymous

Thank you for the help with the grey tanks. Our valve was in front of the tire on the drivers side.

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