Can't Get Roof Air Conditioner To Turn On In My 85 Southwind Motorhome

by Christina Mcclain
(Elizabeth, WV)

Question: I just bought a 85 Southwind, I can't get my roof air conditioner to come on, checked the fuse under the hood, breaker is on trying to run it on my generator still no power not even the fan comes on controls are on the unit itself. Is there a power source that might of been unplugged that i need to check?

Robbie: A Motorhome as old as yours doesn't have a fuse under the front hood for the AC. Your roof ACs run on 110V only, and require you being plugged in or the Generator running.

First thing you need to do is be sure you have lights on your microwave. This tells you you have 110V coming into the motorhome.

If you're using the generator you might have to plug your shore power cord into an outlet located in the compartment you store the cord in.

The only breakers you should need to check are in you control panel and look just like the breakers in your home. Don't concern yourself with the smaller 12V fuses.

You also might have a switch in a upper cabinet that is marked front & rear. Be sure it's on the AC you are trying to operate.

As a last resort you can have a tech come over and walk you through all the systems on your RV, and in doing so, find any problems with other systems not working. A tech could also point out things you may not even know you have.

Good Luck and let me know if I can help with anything else,

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Jun 30, 2015
I have two Coleman AC fwd one want make a sound
by: Marvin

Unit is a pace arrow with the switch to go from one AC unit to the other. Rear unit work just fine. I switch to fwd unit and nothing happens. They work off the same breaker under the refrigerator. Not sure what to look at first or where to go from here. One input mentioned a couple of capacitors under a side plate up on top?

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