Blocked Exit In Black Water Tank

by LeVeta
(Hartsville, SC USA)

Question: After allowing a unknowledgable family member extended use of our 5th wheel, it is stopped up. The plumbing from the toilet has about 2- 45 degree turns before it dumps in the tank. The exit plumbing has 1- 45 and 3 or 4- 90's. I have used natural products w/o formaldahyde to no avail. I have bought a device that forces water from the exit back up and it worked a little then no more help. I used a plumbers snake 3' and there are too many turns. Also from the best I can see it appears that the pipe from the toilet dumps almost beside the beginning of the exit plumbing. I have been told to use 6 or more gallons of bleach. I even had a portable toilet truck come to suction tank and the wand (3") would not work. What can I do. Please help I have even run water hoses up the sewer line and flushed in a container but can't get enough volume of water and the biggest container is only 40 gallons the Problems with disposal issues.

Robbie: I Strongly suggest you try blowing water into the tank from the toilet down into the tank. You can buy a flush-out hose now that is fexible for the turns. Worse case is you can cut the pipe below the toilet and have a company come out and suck the tank out from the top (from in your storage compartment.) When you're done replace the pipe using rubber couplers with hose clamps in case you need to do it again in the future.

Good Luck,

Comments for Blocked Exit In Black Water Tank

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Sep 16, 2015
Hi you want a good solution to unclog your toilet?
by: Anonymous

Boiling water and then pouring it into toilet is one of the best solutions I've discovered. Hope it works

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