by Kermit
(Portland, Texas)
Question: HI, I have a Newmar 2000 Mountain Aire 5th wheel and the bedroom slide exterior aluminum picture frame finsh trim fell off the bottom of the slide. After closer examinatation the plywood sub floor apears to have rotted from the outside edge in about 2". I suspect a design defect. Would prefer to fix the problem myself, understanding the challenge of removing the slide, but can't get much support from manufacturer. Their repair center recommendation is 3000 miles away in Oregon. Afraid that local repair center options could result in many returns and I would eventually give up and sale the RV to get away from the mess. Could sell now, but like the unit a lot, dual tandem, great interior, etc.
Comments for Bedroom Slide Out Plywood Sub Floor Had Rotted Out and Exterior Trim Fell Off.
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