Bedroom Slide Out Plywood Sub Floor Had Rotted Out and Exterior Trim Fell Off.

by Kermit
(Portland, Texas)

Question: HI, I have a Newmar 2000 Mountain Aire 5th wheel and the bedroom slide exterior aluminum picture frame finsh trim fell off the bottom of the slide. After closer examinatation the plywood sub floor apears to have rotted from the outside edge in about 2". I suspect a design defect. Would prefer to fix the problem myself, understanding the challenge of removing the slide, but can't get much support from manufacturer. Their repair center recommendation is 3000 miles away in Oregon. Afraid that local repair center options could result in many returns and I would eventually give up and sale the RV to get away from the mess. Could sell now, but like the unit a lot, dual tandem, great interior, etc.

Any suggestion on what to do when a slide goes bad from leak and plywood sub-floor has rotted out?

Robbie: Giving you advise on a project this big would be a great challenge, but if you have the confidence to attack it that's great. You'll have to remove the slide starting by removing the interior trim package to allow the slide to be removed through the opening. Second disconnect the slide from the mechanism it slides on, remove the slide, then turn it over and take it apart like a puzzle to replace the rotted wood. Remember to get your measurements first and be sure the slide is the same size as is was when you started when your finished rebuilding it. Treat the wood you're replacing with a water sealer and NEVER use press board for replacing the floor. Would love to see before and after pictures to post on the web site for readers to see when your done.

Good luck,

Comments for Bedroom Slide Out Plywood Sub Floor Had Rotted Out and Exterior Trim Fell Off.

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Jun 16, 2017
Bedroom Slide NEW
by: AnonymousFrank

Robbie, I live in Tennessee, and own a 2010 Wyoming Summit by Coachmen [ bought new ]. I paid a so called RV Tech $1750.00 to repair my bedroom slide so I could take a trip to Florida. I park my 5th wheel in a lot about 15 miles from my home. I was up at the lot checking things out after I returned from Florida, and noticed a crack in the lower right hand corner. The 5th wheel got hit in the lot where I park it prior to the trip to Florida that pulled the flange away from the slide. I put the flange back in place, and took it to the RV repairman, and he told me all he had to do to fix the problem. He replaced the black coated material underneath the slide, and other he said he had done which I doubt he did. I have a mess with the slide, and would appreciate any words of wisdom on this. I'm ready to go west, but can't take the trip with the slide broke. Everything I have had repaired on this unit where I bought it, I have had to redo. Even warranty work. The place I bought it can't fix anything except simple repairs. Thanks

Jun 11, 2018
A little more info, please. NEW
by: Charlie

I'm about to replace the flooring in my slideout. What type, brand, etc., subfloor do you recommend? And what should I treat it with? The floor that came out was covered with a tarp material. Should I do the same to the stuff I'm putting in? If so, what type of tarp material should I use? I am planning on using fibron on the bottom before putting it in. Is that acceptable? What would you suggest I use on the sides? Thanks in advance.

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