Batteries may be over-charging

by Mike Askren
(Edwardsport, Indiana)

Question: My 1994 Avion 5th wheel has 2 batteries. When I open the battery compartment door, extremely hot air rushes out, & the batteries are very hot. My monitor says there is 13.7 volts. Both batteries are full of distilled water, which I have to top off every month. I live full time in this camper while working in Illinois & Indiana the last 3 years.

Is my RV charger overcharging??


Question: If your Batteries are hot they are either bad or over charging from a short in the system. Either way you'll have to replace them and then find out why they were hot. They should never be hot. How old are the batteries? If over 5 years they have served their purpose and should be replaced. 5 years is the average life of a battery. If you have let a cell in a battery go dry to where the plates are exposed this could cause a problem, even if you refill the cell the damage is already done and heat will build up in a shorted battery.

Good Luck,

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