Air Conditioner Not Turning On

Question: Hi, My husband and I just purchased a 1995 prowler trailer. it has rooftop air that won't turn on. we can get the fan and the heater to work from the thermostat on the wall but the AC never comes on.there are 2 different thermostats. we have checked all circuit breakers and also have determined the unit is getting power to it.


Robbie: Gonna need more info to help you will this one. Can you send me a picture of the wall thermostat and maybe I can give you some answers to help. Also, how did you confirm you have 110V to the AC?


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Jul 25, 2016
Ac kicks on and off fan runs
by: Stevie

Our camper ac unit Coleman 13,500 keeps kicking on and off will run and cool for a while then will kick off when we turn a light on then we can't get it to come back on it clicks as if it's trying to the fan and heat work? We thought that the compresser had went bad and it was an 1999 unit so we decided to just buy a whole new unit now this one is doing the same thing ??

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