Air Conditioner Not Starting After Running in RV Storage For a Month...

by Todd Alter
(Sherman Oaks)

Question: I have a 2002 Winabago Sightseer RV.

Today i just picked it up from storage (i left it there for 1 Month) and have seemed to have left it on at 77 degrees for the month and it workrd fine.
It was plugged in to a power outlet outside.
So as soon as i entered the RV i shut off the AC system
Later that day i tried to turn it back on and the system would not restart or come on.
I tried to check the fuses but could not find the AC Fuse.
I looked at some fuses and breakers that were located inside the cabin. all seemed to be good.
Maybe those were the wrong fuses.
Is there anything else i can look for to maybe solve the problem.I am a pretty handy guy and know how to use a multimeter.
Is there any AC repair guys located near me or in the Los Angeles Area that can look at the system for me and have it checked out?
I leave in a few days on a trip to the desert and would love to have this thing fixed and working by then.
Please help....
Thank you

Robbie: Without knowing what kind of AC you have and what kind of wall thermostat you have it's hard to tell you what to look for. Because the problem doesn't seem to happen all the time I would be concerned with voltage drops. If your voltage drops the amps increase on the components of the AC.

Also check the plug on your power cord and see if it is showing signs of being burned or the prongs are discolored. This could cause things to get hot and blow breakers.

Good luck...

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