AC Does Not Work In My Trailer

by Bob C.

Question: My air conditioning does not work in my trailor. I shut it off and now it won't turn back on. I have the power going to the a/c and the furnace. It has a remote that runs the plate on the wall. I cannot run the a/c or the furnace by pushing the wall plate. The batteries were replaced in the remote too.

The numbers on the a/c place 3308448.004 serial number 117719

Robbie: There's some things that I can answer over the internet and some I would have to see in person. To help you on this one I would need to check this for myself in person.

There is a good chance your control board could have gone bad or your remote is not working but either way I'd advise you have a tech check them out.

Good luck,

Comments for AC Does Not Work In My Trailer

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Nov 02, 2011
AC/Heat control unit
by: Bob W.

This issue sounds like the problem I woke up to this morning -- furnace not coming on and unable to turn the unit on or off with the remote or directly on the wall-mounted box. The problem is said to be most likely in the control box mounted inside the A/C unit just above the ceiling. The remote is sending the signal to the wall control each time a button is pushed, but no beeping to indicate the signal has been received. This in a Montana fifth-wheel trailer.

Dec 04, 2012
Ac not working
by: Ron

I have the same problem,in my Montana,did you find the cure for this problem?Thanks

May 16, 2015
Mr help
by: Jerry

I have the same controller and you need to see If the telephone looking wire into thermostat Is ought producing 12V power from white and red wire with tester. I went to the hardware store and bought a female phone splicer and cut the male ends off stripped wire and attached tester good luck because if thermo is bad mfgr no longer sells and alternative is $300.00 of board and thermostat plus wiring changed

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