2005 Jayco Greyhawk Leak Around AC Vent in Cabin? What should I look for after repairs are completed?

by Jeff tucker
(San Diego Ca.)

Question:This past weekend we purchased a 2005 Jayco Greyhawk 31ss during an rv show. We noticed that there was some discoloring around the main ac vent in the cabin near the kitchen. We identified it to the sales person and they assured us it would be fixed before delivery. What is the process of checking and repairing this kind of leak? I would like to ask the service department the question of procedure the followed in checking and repairing the leak. The salesperson did say to use some bleach and water to clean it.

Please advise.
JT San Diego CA.

Robbie: If the Roof AC has been leaking replacing the main gasket is the most reliable fix. There are times the bolts securing the AC just need to be tightened. Testing after the repair can be done using a garden sprinkler on the roof and left running for 10 minutes. Good Luck with your new RV.

Thanks for the Question Good Luck,

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